Fellowship Distinctives
The below writings explain where we differ with other denominations and believers on select subjects and practices. These beliefs may inform a person’s decision as they consider membership at Fellowship and also help guide us in ways that we partner with others in ministry both locally and globally.
Baptism is a beautiful and living picture of a believer’s new identity and life in Christ. In baptism, we are given a visible illustration of what God does spiritually in the lives of those who put their faith in Jesus…
About 60% of married couples live together before they get married. Many people justify their choice to cohabitate based on finances, lifestyle choices, and the view that they are “committed” to one another…
Roles of Men & Women in Ministry
The Gospel is best displayed in a community of faith when both men and women flourish as they use their uniquely designed and equally important spiritual gifts for the work of God-glorifying ministry….
“Same Sex Marriage”
The issue of “same-sex marriage” is one of the most emotionally charged and divisive issues facing our country and the Christian church…
Often times, churches work so hard to speak to the calling and ministry of marriage that Christians who are single can begin to wonder if deep down, God wishes everyone was married…
Spirit Led Worship
As followers of Jesus, our lives are to be led by the Holy Spirit. worship services of the gathered church are also guided by God’s Spirit…
Spiritual Gifts
in His infinite grace, God has not only adopted those who believe in Jesus Christ into His family but has chosen to bestow us with spiritual gifts so we may serve Him, His spiritual community, and His purposes in the world through the power of the Holy Spirit…
Unequally Yoked
We are bombarded with messages every day from our culture about what love is and how we should follow our hearts in relationships, dating, and who we ultimately seek to marry…
What is Church Discipline & Restoration?
Though the man was originally created good, the Scriptures reveal that he eventually and willingly rebelled against his Creator…