Family Discussions & Cultural Issues
As a church, we want to address tough topics and cultural issues. These Family Discussions help us look at things in our culture and subjects that have been debated over time in a discerning light. Scripture can help give guidance around these topics, but we should handle conversations and potential disagreements with a spirit of grace and humility and not allow differences of opinion to cause division within our church or between us and others.
Black Lives Matter/ Blue Lives Matter/ All Lives Matter
Although the statements written above are fairly timeless in their expression of Systemic Racism, we do want to address a current expression in our culture that may change over time…
Capital Punishment
The value of every person’s life is intrinsic because we are all created in God’s image and in His love for us, as demonstrated through the life and substitutionary atonement of His son Jesus Christ. As the author and preserver of life, God alone has the authority to determine its length…
Civil Disobedience
It can be. Romans 13 makes it clear that we are to submit to the governing authorities that God has put over us for the collective good, even when we disagree with their decisions. So Christians are not permitted to engage in civil disobedience for “any” reason simply because we have a higher King Jesus…
Considerations for Burial or Cremation
Making decisions about burial and cremation can be emotional and difficult. Whether you are making these decisions for a loved one that has passed, or you are considering these issues in advance for yourself…
Contemplative Prayer
We all hunger for a prayer-filled life, for a richer and fuller practice of the presence of God.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) & the Gospel
The topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, or D.E.I., has become increasingly prevalent…
Doubting Salvation
Many professing Christians struggle with doubt about salvation, or to put it another way, wondering whether they have truly been saved and are…
Immigration has been an issue of concern in the United States and countries around the world for hundreds of years. It relates to economic questions and jobs, national security, and general worries about preserving national culture and heritage…
Just War
Since the fall of man, war has been an unfortunate reality. Each time a nation or nations engage in warfare, it brings to the front questions regarding the Christian view of war…
America is an incredible nation. We are generous in the midst of world crises. We care about fighting for human rights in countries all over the world. And we have reflected Biblical values in many different ways in different eras of our history…
Religious Liberty
We live in a country that has enshrined religious liberty as part of our constitution. The Bill of Rights was established to specifically limit the power of the federal government to infringe on select rights…
“Lord, send a revival to our city, state, and country.” How many times have we heard this prayed throughout our lives? The prayer is simple, yet because “revival” is defined differently…
Substance Abuse
The topic of substance use and abuse has been a debate that has thrust itself into the forefront in recent years. In modern times, we have been blessed with thousands of lifesaving and life benefiting substances.
In the midst of our suffering, sooner than later, we all begin to question: Where is God? Why is He allowing this to happen? What good can possibly come from this struggle? Whether it’s a crippling sickness, the loss of a loved one, or the persecution…
All of us have experienced discouragement in our lives, and many have endured periods of depression that can lead to bouts of hopelessness. If you feel that way as you read this, we want you to know you are not alone…
Systemic Racism & Individual Responsibility
One of the debates that sits at the heart of all of the racial tension that we see and feel in America and around the world is the issue of Systemic Racism. Systemic racism refers to idea that there is inherent racism in a given “system,” whether that system is political, economic, religious, or anything else…
Technology is all around us, and it’s not just the electronic devices we are all familiar with today. The scriptures tell us that God is a creating God. Having been made in his image, He gives us the ability to be creative and advance continuously.
The Gospel and Economic Systems
Is the God of the Bible a capitalist or a socialist? Is He neither or both? And what do those words even really mean? Some followers of Jesus probably don’t ever think about that question…