Looking for additional information?
Here are some of the most popular questions we receive from people about Legacy Grandparenting.
If you have other questions feel free to reach out to Linda Stanberry, [email protected]

What equipping opportunities do you offer?
We host the Legacy Grandparenting Summit yearly with nationally known presenters.
We offer a 6-week class twice a year titled Grandparenting Matters as part of Wednesdays at Fellowship.
We provide curriculum for small groups addressing Essentials, Culture, and Barriers.
We also have periodic Grand Equipping Nights and Retreats to address specific issues concerning culture, evangelism, long distance relationships, adult children, etc.
Are there any serving opportunities for grandparents and their grandchildren?
We provide two events, one each in the fall and spring, for grandparents and elementary age grandchildren.
Who provides leadership for this ministry?
Bill Parkinson is the Legacy Grandparenting pastor on our staff. He and Ann (wife) lead a Steering Committee that Hosts the Summit, produces a Quarterly Newsletter, and organizes special events.
How do I receive current information about this ministry?
A newsletter is emailed out monthly with information about current events and resources. Below is a copy of our most recent monthly newsletter. To be added to our mailing list, email Linda Stanberry at [email protected].
June Newsletter
All resources can be found at the Legacy Coalition website.

Grand Monday Nights
A free weekly webinar to help you grow as a Christian grandparent. With relevant new topics each week and a library of more than 100 previous presentations.

Books, Let’s Talk Cards, Prayer Placemat, Inspirational Songs.

Sessions with nationally recognized speakers like Gordon McDonald, Walt Mueller, and more who cast vision and share transformational principles.

Online articles on grandparenting that encourage, provide advice, and share creative ideas for activities with your grandchildren.