2025 Mission Trips
Fellowship exists to make disciples who live by God’s grace and for His glory at home and across the world. Come to learn and minister in a different culture by sharing the Gospel, helping meet felt needs and coming alongside local churches in making disciples!

Fellowship values the practice of biblical hospitality. What would it look like if every single Fellowship member/family opened their home to neighbors?
Resources on Biblical Hospitality:
God is sovereignly bringing the nations to Central Arkansas (Acts 17:24-27). Sadly, statistics suggest that 80% of international students will return to their home country without ever being invited into an American home, and only 10% of them will be reached with the gospel while they’re here.
English as a Second Language is one of the various ways we address this need. By the grace of God, we have a vibrant ESL Ministry across our different campuses. The primary goal of this ministry is to glorify God, and we do this by helping English language learners improve their English, inviting them to our homes, learning about them and what they believe, and faithfully sowing the Word of God as we build meaningful relationships with them.
If you are interested in volunteering for one of our ESL classes please email [email protected].
Fellowship partners with multiple local organizations working for the good of the community in the categories of Orphan Care, Prison, Education, Church Strengthening, and Health/Food/Shelter. With the help of these local partners, we aim to love and serve others to the glory of God.
For more information about our Local partners, please click the button below.

Mission Trips
Habakkuk 2:14 says that one day the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Short-term mission trips are one way you can learn to serve others, share the gospel in a cross-cultural context, and help fill the earth with a knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
Going long-term is for people the Lord has gifted, equipped, and affirmed through our Global Worker preparation process. A Global Worker is a disciple of Jesus set apart by the Holy Spirit, sent out from the church who crosses geographic, cultural, and/or linguistic barriers to make disciples and multiply churches among unreached peoples and places.